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沙發音樂 VA-Cafe Del Mar Full Collection

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沙發音樂 VA-Cafe Del Mar Full Collection
沙發音樂 VA-Cafe Del Mar Full Collection 站長完整超強合輯(10片合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)

本合集包括Cafe del Mar系列14輯,Cafe.Del.Mar.Chillhouse.Mix系列4輯,Cafe.
del.Mar.classic系列3 輯,Cafe.del.Mar.Dreams系列4輯,Cafe.del.Mar.Aria系列3輯
,Digital Analog Band系列2輯, 4張單發專輯等主題專輯,以及20年Anniversary2CD,
25年Anniversary3CD精選紀念專輯等等.包含了全套Cafe del Mar系列,如果沒有收錄的

點",同時也是世界知名的舞會派對地點 (著名的新世紀音樂組合Enigma就是在此成立的
)位於該島海岸邊的Cafe Del Mar是一座可以從海水看到日落倒影的海岸咖啡館. 面朝夕
陽無限好的橘色日落景象, 結合令人心曠神怡的DJ音樂,使它成了Chill Out 音樂的代名

1980年初,Del Mar咖啡館建成於依比薩島海岸邊,其極具特色的裝潢建築與令人神往的
日落馬上吸引了許多遊客. 伴隨著優美景緻應運而生的音樂文化範圍涵蓋了爵士、藍調
、古典、電子等, 自此日落和音樂便成為Cafe Del Mar的一部分.

1980 年代末,以錄音帶方式發表的音樂合輯開始發售;1994年,英國電子音樂廠牌
React正式發行以Cafe Del Mar音樂為主題的第一張CD,收錄了如Underworld A Man
Called Adam等知名電子音樂藝人的作品.隨著這張合輯的成功,1995、1996年夏季又推出
了Cafe Del Mar Vol.2和Vol.3. 商業上的成功使得英國寶麗金公司再度於1997 和1998
年分別推出了Cafe Del Mar Vol.4和Vol.5,而這5張合輯共約120萬張銷量.今天Cafe'Del

二十二個年頭只是Cafe'Del Mar的一個段落,相信二十一世紀是Cafe' Del Mar的另一個
開始.Cafe'Del Mar除了繼續帶給我們無法抗拒的日落誘惑外,它也將同時帶給我們無法

關於chill out音樂

Chill Out : 指讓身體及心靈達到一種舒解和暢快的狀態.
Chill Out Music : 故名思義就是可以讓人達到身心舒暢的音樂, 製造歡愉的想像氣氛,
Lounge : 指讓人達到舒適與休閒狀態的空間.
Lounge Music : 一種取材來源豐富, 充滿享樂與舒緩的音樂類型, 搭配著時尚的電音節
奏(通常是為 Euro-House Beat), 刻意營造出高貴避俗的典雅氣氛. 雖與 Chill Out 音
樂合稱為沙發音樂, 但兩者之間在特徵上還是有某種程度的分野.
Ibiza : 位於西班牙旁的地中海中極富盛名的度假小島, 風光明媚,尤其島上的良晨與日
落美景更是猶如仙境般的美輪美奐, 另外島上到處林立的酒吧及舞吧也是一大特色. 而
最重要的是 Ibiza 於其島上的酒吧 Cafe del Mar 同樣成為 Chill Out 音樂的精神像
Cafe Del Mar : 此名詞有雙重意思, 一指 在 Ibiza 島上的著名酒吧, 是許多Chill
Out 樂迷心目中的朝聖之地. 且同時具有精神與實質上的象徵意義. 另外 Cafe del Mar
也是 Chill Out 樂界一套人人必備的聖經, 是由 Cafe del Mar 的駐場 DJ 所挑選, 最
具ChillOut 島嶼度假色彩的音樂集結成為一系列的合輯
Cafe Mambo : 位於 Cafe del Mar 旁的另外一家同樣播放Chill Out和 Lounge 音樂的
酒吧, 目前駐場 DJ 為前 Cafe del Mar 的駐場DJ - Jose Padilla , 而也有唱片公司
同樣以該酒吧為名發行 Chill Out音樂專輯 Cafe Mambo.
Ambient : 環境音樂; 於 70 年代所出現的音樂名詞, 創作者以簡約的電子音樂型式製
Dub : 一種與 Reggae 雷鬼樂極為類似的 節奏(拍), 以朦朧的鼓擊和Bass低音讓聆聽者
彷彿置身於一種迷幻壓迫的空間感之中. 另外Dub 亦可指某種錄音方式, 所製作出之音
樂聲響如同將手提音響置於一偌大的地下停車場中, 再於距離手提音響遠處聆聽所播放
的音樂, 那種迷濛的回聲空間感著實充滿著 Chill Out 的風味.
Bossa Nova : 一種源自於南美巴西的音樂型式, 它融合了拉丁音樂, 爵士樂與法式香頌
, 極富舒適的旋律與節奏, 也讓它成為了Chill Out & Lounge音樂所常取材的元素之一
World Beat : 指電子取樣(拼貼), 合成樂器或是以當地傳統樂器創造出具有當地特色風
味的世界音樂節奏, 如: Afro-Beat, Latin, Salsa, Reggae, Asian Groove 及
Indian-Beat等. 通常在 Chill 及 Lounge 音樂之中也常加入 World Beat 的型式, 讓
音樂中更充滿Peaceful 及 歡愉的世界風味.
Jose Padilla : 為 Chill Out 音樂界的精神支柱, 可以說全球 Chill Out 風潮是由此
人所掀起, 前後歷任 Ibiza 島上知名酒吧 Cafe del Mar 及 Cafe Mambo 首席駐場 DJ,
Wagram Music: 法國最為知名的 Lounge 音樂廠牌, 代理與發行許多的 Chill Out 和
Lounge 唱片, 而其中最令樂迷所熟知的是以法國當地著名或五星級酒吧, 咖啡廳, Pub,
餐廳及旅館為主題所發行的一系列 Chill Out 及 Lounge 音樂. 像是 "Bar Fly", "
BuddhaBar" 和 "Hotel Costes" 等....
沙發音樂 : 台灣唱片業界所創造出來的音樂新名詞, 泛指 Chill Out及 Lounge 音樂類

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.1

發行公司:Resist UK


01. Agua - Jose Padilla
02. The story of light - William Orbit (strange Cargo)
03. Smokebelch II - Sabres of Paradise
04. Music for a found harmonlum - Penguin Cafe Orchestra
05. Sundance - Sun Electric
06. Fanfare of life - Leftfield
07. The hypnotist - Sisterlove
08. Second hand - Underworld
09. Crazy men - Ver Vlads
10. Estelle - Man Called Adam
11. On the rocks - Obiman
12. Sunset at the cafe del mar - Tabula Rasa

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.2

發行公司:Resist UK


01. Moment Scale - Silent Poets
02. Tarenah - Psychedelic Research Lab
03. D*votion
04. Easter Song - A Man Called Adam
05. Entre Dos Aguas - Paco de Luc韆
06. Unity - Marc Antoine
07. Sabor de Verano
08. Sargasso Sea - Salt Tank
09. (The Making of..) Jill
10. Everybody Loves the Sunshine
11. Feel Good
12. Blinky Blue Eyed Sunrise
13. Haunted Dancehall - The Sabres of Paradise

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.3

發行公司:React America


01. Walking On Air - Jose Padilla
02. Tones (Cafe Del Mar Version) - Nova Nova
03. Sueno Con Mexico - Pat Metheny
04. Blue Bar - Afterlife
05. Emotions Of Paradise - Miro
06. Nights Interlude - Nightmares On Wax
07. Panama Bazaar - Eighth Wave
08. Dusk - Pressure Drop
09. Asia - Alex Neri
10. Redemption Songs - Moodswings
11. Dust Of Life (Swoop Edit) - Fazed Idjuts
12. My Freedom - Beat Foundation
13. Last Picture Show - Heavyshift

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.4

發行公司:Umvd Import


01. Que Bonito
02. Sunshines Better [Talvin Singh] - John Martyn
03. Leo Leo
04. Grillos - Paco Fernandez
05. Return Journey - Voices of Kwahn
06. Miracle Road - Les Jumeaux
07. So Sant [Flytronix Mix] - Wasis Diop
08. Out of Time - Levitation
09. Place de la Concorde - Fila Brazillia
10. Offshore [Ambient Mix] - Chicane
11. 5th & Avenida
12. Troubled Girl [Spanish Version] - Karen Ramirez
13. Lula - Phil Mison
14. Street Tattoo - Stan Getz

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.5

發行公司:Fontana Mca


01. Mumbai Theme Tune - A.R. Rahman
02. More Than Ever People - Levitation
03. Appreciation [Radio Mix]
04. Paradise [Tease Mix] - Larry Heard
05. Penelope [Radio Edit]
06. Tout Est Bleu [Original Ame Strong S.A. Remix] - Ame Strong
07. Uschi's Groove - Ballistic Brothers
08. Lubumba '98
09. Face a la Mer [Massive Attack Remix-Full Version]
10. Talking With Myself '98 [Canny Remix] - Electribe 101
11. Pojo Pojo
12. Transfatty Acid [Kruder and Dorfmeister Remix Edit]
13. Angels Landing [Jos?Padilla and Sunchild Remix] - Salt Tank
14. Mani - Paco Fernandez
15. Close Cover - Wim Mertens

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.6

發行公司:Fontana Mca


01. Traveler [Kid Loco's Once Upon a Time in the East Mix] - Singh, Talvin
02. Dub in Ya Mind [Beach Club Mix] - Afterlife
03. The Messenger - A New Funky Generat
04. Homebase - DZihan
05. Beautiful [7" Canny Mix] - Mandalay
06. 3.2 Bedrock [Ambient Mix] - Humate
07. Satie 1 - Endorphin
08. Homelands - Sawhney, Nitin
09. A Distant Invitation - Rae, Mark
10. Existence [Edit] - Wesseltoft, Bugge
11. Oh Home - Fernandez, Paco
12. Les Kid Nappeurs Main Theme - Collin, Marc
13. Adios Ayer - Padilla Jose
14. Ill Street Blues - Moonrock
15. The Look of Love - Springfield, Dusty

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.7

發行公司:Fontana Mca


01. Northern lights - Lux
02. Breather (2000 Arithunda mix) - Afterlife
03. Whispering wind - Moby
04. Easy rider - Deep & Wide
05. Letting the cables sleep (The NOW remix) - Bush (1)
06. Sunbeams - UKO
07. Winter pageant - Aromabar
08. Beautiful strange - Bedrock
09. One more try - New Funky Generation & Joy Rose
10. Swollen - Bent
11. 68 moves - Underwolves
12. Cahuita - Sevag, Oystein & Lakki Patey
13. Riva - Slow Pulse & Cathy Battistessa

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.8

發行公司:Fontana Mca


01. Cookie raver - Illumination
02. Gula Gula (Chilluminati mix) - Boine, Mari
03. Pina colada (Jazz mix) - Jones, Digby
04. Will you catch me - Tiny Tunes
05. Utopia (New Ears mix) - Goldfrapp
06. Worthless - Dido
07. Sunrise (DJ Thunder & K20 Allstars mix) - Afterlife
08. Tattouage blue (Avec Chet) - Onono, Ben
09. Apache - Scripture
10. 100 billion stars - Lux
11. Gabriel - Lamb
12. In a little while - U2
13. Any other name - Newman, Thomas (1)

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.9

發行公司:Fontana Mca


01. Jo Manji - Beyond The Sunset
02. Lovers Lane - Island Memories (original mix)
03. Blank & Jones - Desire (ambient mix)
04. Kalliope - Lunar Landings
05. So Fine - A Day In The Sun
06. Miro - The Cure (Sunshine mix)
07. Rue Du Soleil - Troya
08. Soft Wave - Plenitude Part 2
09. CDM - Many Rivers To Cross
10. Quantic - Time Is The Enemy
11. Trio Mafua - Quente
12. Lazybatusu - 8.00AM
13. Mr. Swen G* feat Inusa - Morning Light (Coffee Shop remix)
14. Digitano & CDM - Rajamanta (interactive track for Windows & Mac)

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.10

發行公司:Fontana Mca


01. Firewire - Substructure
02. Postcard - Remote
03. My Movie Is Like Life - Future Loop Foundation
04. Face of Beauty (Original Mix) - Lovers Lane
05. The Blues - Dab
06. In My Heart - Rue Du Soleil
07. Katia - Kinema
08. Garden Children - Rhian Sheehan
09. Sea Goddess - Terra Del Sol
10. On Your Skin - OHMG & Bruno
11. Remember You - Nacho Sotomayor
12. The Moment (Original Mix) - Vargo
13. Without You - Ypey
14. The Hardest Heart (Ambient Mix) - Blank & Jones Feat. Anne Clark

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.11

發行公司:Fontana Mca


01. Te Karanga
02. Invisible
03. Signal [Ambient Mix] - Stelarisimo
04. Art Nouveau - Jens Gad
05. In'side
06. Where Would I Be [Mem髍ia Vermelha Mix] - Praful
07. Waters in Motion
08. Holding On
09. Estonia
10. Cette Planete - J.P. Juice
11. Under the Sea - Digby Jones
12. No Fear
13. Sue駉 de la Monta馻
14. Dream On

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.12

發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


Disc: 1
01. S?came de Aqu? [Dab Remix] - Enrique Bunbury
02. All Shades of Blue - Slaven Kolak
03. Lazy Summer Days - Alejandro DePinedo
04. Empuriabrava - Alessandro Boschi
05. Another Day - New Beginning
06. Antolog?a Caf? del Mar - Arnica Montana
07. Sea, Sand and Sun - Arnica Montana
08. Aquarius - Alejandro DePinedo
09. Qui?reme Otra Vez - F3R Delgado, Friction,
10. South Beach Soul - Andr? Andreo,
11. Enjoy Your Life - Liz June, , Chris Leblanc
12. Lazy Loungin - Jo Manji
13. Save a Little Prayer - Annette Berg, Steen Th?ttrup,
14. Bailando Va - Ca?na

Disc: 2
01. Someone Like You - Blank, Michael Francis, , Jones
02. Eso Es
03. Montreux Jazz - Francesca M.
04. Make It Happen - Luminous
05. Junto Al Mar - Elcho
06. Vent M'A Dit - Ca?na
07. One Life - Mahara McKay
08. Amanecer en Bolonia - F3R Delgado,
09. Looking Down - Paco Fernandez
10. Two Rivers, One World - Llad? Pep
11. Mauritia - Yann Kuhlmann
12. Con Amor - Nera & Felix
13. Otis - Koru
14. Lament - Light Of Aidan

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.13

發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


Disc: 1
01. Heading for the Sunrise - Annette Berg, Steen Th?ttrup,
02. Shiva - Elsieanne, One Mind's Eye
03. Mister Mista - Kitty the Bill
04. Set Me Free - Gary B.
05. Cositas de La Vida - Elenah
06. Ind?gena - Ritmo Intacto
07. Cause I Love You No More [Alster Lounge Chill Out Vocal Mix] - E-Love
08. Panonia - Panonia
09. So Awesome - Roberto & Nera Sol
10. Pure Joy - D.A.B.
11. Cinnabar Mix - Ivan Tucakov
12. Beautiful - Triangle Sun
13. Os Pastores Da Noitte - Gelka
14. Monika's Summer - Future Loop Foundation
15. Capricorn - Alejandro DePinedo

Disc: 2
01. Del Mar - Nera & Felix
02. No Talking - Ca?na
03. Brisas - Lenny Ibizarre
04. Angel Eyes - Rue du Soleil
05. Vocie - Singas Project
06. Lamento - Melibea
07. Hablo del Amor - Fuego, Yann Kuhlmann
08. Meaning of Love - Mads Arp
09. Flores de Libertad
10. Sympathy - Jeff Bennett
11. Let You In - Julie Harrington, Luminous
12. Vai Vedere
13. One Mississippi [Chris Coco Mix] - Hey Negrita
14. Tu Despertar [Original Chill Mix]
15. Rivers Flow - Glow, Viggo

Cafe Del Mar Ibiza Vol.14

發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


Disc: 1
01. Loving You - Note for a Child
02. Night Highway
03. Cabriolet Tour - Kitty the Bill
04. Longitude - Tape Five
05. Genesis
06. Una Passion Perdida - Deeper & Pacific, Daniela Ferraz
07. Soulsmooth - Mahara McKay
08. Soul Connection - Deeper & Pacific, Daniela Ferraz
09. Missing - Rue du Soleil
10. Do Tara Alap - Ca?na
11. Dans Les Rues de Barcelone...
12. Luz de Hielo - Elenah
13. Alba - Steen Th?ttrup
14. Land of Eternal Sunset - Almadrava
15. Carma - Michael Hornstein
16. Training

Disc: 2
01. Childhood - Viggo
02. Jam'in Dawn - Melibea
03. Love Luxury
04. Love My Soul
05. Remando al Viento - Schwarz & Funk
06. Slow Down
07. Love Rain Down
08. Wonderland - Alejandro DePinedo
09. Hidden Island
10. Shadows of My Love
11. Love in Spain - Ypey
12. Viva Cuba Musica - Orgatronics
13. With You
14. Sentoda - Alessandro Boschi
15. I Believe - Koru


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Estelle - A Man Called Adam
02. D*votion - D*Note
03. Haunted Dancehall - Nigel Humberstone, , , The Sabres of Paradise
04. Emotions of Paradise - Miro
05. Nights Interlude [Original Version] - Nightmares on Wax
06. Smokebelch II [Beatless Mix] - The Sabres of Paradise
07. Blue Bar - Afterlife
08. Second Hand - Underworld
09. Easter Song - A Man Called Adam, Eddie Parker
10. Music for a Found Harmonium - The Penguin Cafe Orchestra
11. Cafe del Mar - Nacho Sotomayor


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Forty-Two - Sonic Adventure Project
02. Get Back to Serenity [Beach Mix] - Vargo
03. Castillos de Arena - Deep & Wide
04. Don't Move - Cottonbelly, Trumpet Man
05. Chilli Conkani - Ohm-G
06. Dreaming Of... - Rue du Soleil
07. Voyeur de Luxe - Plastyc Buddha
08. Beautiful Smile - Christine Lucas, , Racoon, Racoon
09. Believe
10. Do It Again - Jaffa
11. Last Night
12. Stay Asleep
13. Mello - Ypey


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Hold On
02. Sleep Will Come
03. Jungle Light
04. Oasis
05. Picasso Suite (Theme From Summer Of 42)
06. Ain't Feel Nothing
07. Please Keep Your Ticket Till The End Of Your Trip
08. Old Shatter Hand Melode (Orbient Mix)
09. Manush
10. By Your Side
11. Cha-Ka-Too ( Sunset Mix)
12. Themes From New Earth
13. Have A Smoke
14. Ritmo Del Mar


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Thais, Opera: Meditation
02. Suite for Orchestra No 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: Air
03. King Arthur, Or, The British Worthy, Semi-Opera, Z: Fairest Isle
04. The Swan Lake, Ballet, Op. 20: Scene 2. Swan Lake
05. Gymnopedie for Piano No.1, For Piano
06. Les Contes d'Hoffmann, Opera in 4 Acts: Belle Nuit, O Nuit d'Amour,
07. Adagio for Organ/Violin & Strings in G Minor
08. Peer Gynt Suite for Orchestra (Or Piano or Piano,: Morning Mood
09. Prince Igor, Opera: Choral Dance
10. Piano Sonata No. 14 in C Sharp Minor ("Moonlight"): Adagio
11. Armide, Opera in 5 Acts, WQ. 45: C'est l'Amour Que Retient Dans Ses Cha
12. Serenade No. 13 for Strings in G Major ("Eine Klei: Andante


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Clair de Lune
02. Concerto for Clarinet K.581
03. C?diz
04. Romeo and Juliet (Love Theme)
05. Canon & Gigue
06. Gnossienne No. 3
07. Dream of Love No.3
08. Scheherazade (The Young Prince and the Young Princess)
09. Noctune No.2
10. Aria & Larghetto from "Concerto Grosso No. 12 Opus 6"
11. Traviata (Prelude to Act I)
12. Sonata Path?tique (Adagio from "Sonata No. 8 Opus 13")
13. Air (From "Orchestral Suite No.3")
14. Whiter Shade of Pale
15. Gymnopedie No. 1 [Interactive Track]


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Danza Espa?ola/5. Andaluza
02. Amor Brujo/Danza Ritual del Fuego
03. Gavilanes, Zarzuela/Preludio y Salida de Juan
04. Suite Espa?ola/Granada
05. Suspiros de Espa?a
06. Goyescas/ [Excerpt]
07. Carmen/Intermezzo
08. En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor
09. Parrala
10. Recuerdos de La Alhambra
11. M?sica Nocturna de Madrid
12. Romance An?nimo (From Juegos Prohibidos)
13. Sinfon?a en Re Menor/Andante

Cafe.del.Mar.Essential Feelings

發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Always Mine
02. Essential Feelings
03. We Can Fly
04. Estonia
05. Francaise
06. Big Man Said
07. Wake Up Brother
08. Music Is My Life
09. Manush
10. In My Heart
11. What I Say
12. Blues du Soleil
13. Dust

Cafe.del.Mar.Aria Vol.1

發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Willow
02. Bel Di
03. Secret Tear
04. Dido
05. Pace Pace
06. Pamina Blue
07. Habanera
08. Home

Cafe.del.Mar.Aria Vol.2

發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Arianna
02. Ebben
03. Addio
04. Horizon
05. Barcarolle
06. Cantilena
07. Sviraj (Lullabye)
08. Interlude
09. Pavane
10. Ave Maria
11. Leiermann
12. Lullabye (Sviraj)

Cafe.Del.Mar.Aria 3: Metamorphosis

發行公司:Cafe Del Mar
資源說明:本專輯為WV(內嵌CUE), 含booklet(cue+log+cvrs)


01. Ombra Mai Fu (aria from Hendel's SERSE) [5:14]
02. Furioso (Hendel's Sarabande) [5:19]
03. Sogno (Puccini's LA RONDINE) [4:55]
04. Metamorphosis 2: Danae [4:07]
05. Ballo (Verdi's BALLO IN MASCHERA) [5:23]
06. Interlude: L'Orchestre Engloutie [0:36]
07. Amami (Verdi's LA TRAVIATA) [4:20]
08. Lascia (Hendel's RINALDO) [3:48]
09. Farewell (Puccini's MADAMA BUTTERFLY) [6:11]
10. Metamorphosis 3: Cyane [2:59]
11. Ascension (Monteverdi's L'INCORONAZIONE DI POPPEA) [5:06]
12. Metamorphosis 1: Arachne [5:15]
13. Furioso: Intrumental mix [5:21]
14. Ombra: chilled mix [4:53]


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Private Matter
02. Fusique
03. Loungin
04. Fallin
05. Release (Attaboy Vocal Mix)
06. Hugo A Gogo
07. So Good
08. Changes
09. More I Get, The More I Want (Teddy's Hou
10. Mississippi Rollcall

01. How Intensitive
02. Feeling Kinda Blue
03. I Know
04. On The Way
05. No Other Lover (Caf Del Mar Mix)
06. Burnin' (Baron's Vibes Mix)
07. Pick Me Up (Shroom Ter Mix)
08. In The Mood
09. Inside (Naked Lovers Dub)
10. Come Morning (Jazz Excursion Mix)


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. True House (Jask's Deep House-Apella) - C&M Productions
02. Esa Magia - Deep & Wide
03. Got 2 Be U - Solar House
04. Jazzy Kinda Sum'n (Original Mix) - Mark Grant
05. Michael (Love From San Francisco Vocal Mix) - Roy Davis Jr.
06. Wind Chime (Summer Mix) - Mimosa
07. Time Changes - Little Green Men
08. When The Voices Come - Projekt: PM
09. Oceanic - Jamie Anderson
10. Surrender (Original Mix) - Petalpusher
11. American In Paris, An - STP
12. Meeting Point - Rubba J.

01. Tranquility (Original Mix) - Mettle Music
02. Love And Tears (Soul Creatures - Reworked Live Mix) - Acuarian Dream
03. Blowin Drums
04. Control (Original Grove) - Julius Papp
05. Sem Contecao (Ugo & Sanz Mix) - Bebel Gilberto
06. Brazilian City (Mix) - Teddy G
07. Watch The Bass - Joshua
08. Two Stones Ahead - To-Ka Project
09. Flying Funk - Fish Go Deep
10. And That's Saying A Lot (Groove Armada 2nd Take) - Rubba J
11. After Ours (Dennis F's Purgatory Mix) - Restless Soul


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Moodswing - Mettle Music
02. Dream Love
03. Say That U Love Me [F-Thing Vocal Mix] - Primary Colors
04. Meanwhile... - Dave Barker
05. Freedom - Solar House
06. Feel the Vibes [Path Session Mix] - Patrick Green
07. My Love [Kiko Navarro's So Deep Mix] - Dexter Porter
08. Manhattan Groove [Ernest Bonzet Start Stop Remix] - Mark Gorbulew
09. Mahal Kita (I Love You) [Sounds of Soul's Funkessential Remix]
10. East West [Club Mix] - East West Connection
11. Moog Rock - Frankie Valentine

01. Maze [Original Mix] - The Amalgamation of Soundz
02. Little Bit of Jazz - Andrew Macari
03. Music for the People [Vincent Kwok's Mood Funk Remix]
04. Night Lines - Alexkid
05. Until the Day - Richard Les Crees
06. So Free - The Timewriter
07. Thru 2 You [CJ One Vocal Mix] - Echomen
08. Siempre
09. Most High [Centric Mix]
10. Give Me Your Soul
11. Thaia - Minus 8


發行公司:Universal International


01. Entre Dos Aguas - Paco de Luc?a
02. Troubled Girl (Spanish Version) - Karen Ramirez
03. Tatouage Bleu (Avec Chet) - Ben Onono
04. Gula Gula (Chilluminati Mix) - Mari Boine
05. Northern Lights - Lux
06. Adios Ayer - Jose Padilla
07. Angelica - Lamb
08. Smokebelch II (Beatless Night) - The Sabres of Paradise
09. Lula - Phil Mison
10. God Put a Smile Upon Your Face (Def Inc. Remix) - Coldplay
11. Ill Street Blues - The Moonrocks
12. Uschi's Groove - Ballistic Brothers
13. Messenger - New Funky Generation

01. Music for a Found Harmonium - The Penguin Cafe Orchestra
02. Face a la Mer (Massive Attack Remix Full Version)
03. Olas de Sal - Tim Zuellig
04. Mumbai Theme Tune - A.R. Rahman
05. Easter Song - A Man Called Adam
06. Sunshine's Better [Talvin Singh Remix] - John Martyn
07. Come Back - Jose Padilla
08. In a Little While (N. O. W. Remix) - U2,
09. Whispering Wind - Moby
10. Sunbeams - UKO
11. Trans Fatty Acid [Kruder & Dorfmeister Remix] - Lamb
12. Letting the Cables Sleep [the N. O. W. Remix] - Bush
13. Paradise [Tease Mix] - Larry Heard, Nookie
14. Talking With Myself ('98 Canny Remix) - Electribe 101


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Bailando Va
02. Calling Back
03. Arabiza
04. Limited Infinite
05. Calla Gracio
06. El Unico
07. Bop Blues
08. Bailanduna
09. I Know The Score
10. Le Vent M'a Dit
11. We're Gonna Make Love Tonight
12. I Gotta Know Now


發行公司:Cafe del Mar


01. Subconcious Mind
02. Seven Seas - Deep & Wide, Lennart Krarup
03. I Want Your Love - Faylene Brown, Envers du Plan, Matt Fisher, Jesse
04. Prima Vera - Tr?by Trio
05. Mums
06. Falling - Afterlife
07. Altogether Blue - Horns Of Plenty
08. Enchant Me [Original Version] - The Amalgamation of Soundz, Yvonne
09. Transmit Liberation - Single Cell Orchestra
10. Behind the Screen - Miguel Angelo Fierro
11. Jazz Tip - Moodorama
12. Island of God
13. Elementis - Solaris Heights

01. Cafe del Mar - Mental Generation
02. Oxygene 4 - Jean Michel Jarre
03. Lily Was Here - Candy Dulfer, Dave Stewart
04. So Long Ago, So Clear - Jon & Vangelis,
05. Cloud Pattern - Foundland
06. Feeling Weird [Original Caf? del Mar Mix]
07. Good Night the Sun - Tony Stevens
08. Behind the Gardens/Behind the Wall/Under the Tree - Andreas Vollenweider
09. Irish Women - Cafe del Mar,
10. Rite - Christian Alvad
11. Offering of Love - Garland L. Subrahaniam


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. It's Alright
02. Linda
03. Feel Safe - Luminous
04. Alive - Mads Arp, Julie Harrington
05. Rising - Gelka
06. Sonho
07. Inner Journey [Remix] - Sonic Adventure Project
08. Sunset - Ludvig & Stelar
09. Cancer - Alejandro DePinedo
10. Fusion - Melibea
11. Deep Breath
12. Dreaming - Fleur Sanderson
13. Submariner - Koru
14. Etoile d'Or (Estrela de Ouro)

01. Eyes Wide Open - Teri Richardson
02. Another Day
03. Twilight - Blank & Jones
04. Let You Go - Aaron Taylor
05. Mediterranean Star
06. Cuevas del Drach - Alessandro Boschi
07. Call - D.A.B.
08. Ibizarre
09. In My Heart - Rue du Soleil
10. Far from Home
11. Precious, Pt. 1
12. By Change
13. Esperando La Lluvia
14. Bailando Va - Ca?na

Caf? del Mar 1980-2005: 25th Anniversary.(3CD)

發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Private Session (25th Mix) - Lovers Lane
02. Talking One Language (Anniversary Mix) - Vargo
03. Reflection - Ludvig & Stelar
04. I Believe In You - Lumininius
05. Innocence - Jo Manji
06. Espiral - Henrik T.
07. Albariza - Zuell
08. Sensual Bay - Andre Andreo
09. El Kiosco - Digitano
10. Knots - A Man Called Adam Vs. Chris Coco
11. Lead Me Home - Gary B
12. La Francaise - Rue Du Soleil
13. Hidding Place - Gelka
14. The Call - Digital Analog Band
15. Moment Of Passion - Olaf Gutbrod
16. Ojo De Vega - Alessandro Boschi

01. Ojo De Vega - Alessandro Boschi
02. Free Your Mind - Tom Oliver
03. Volviendo Al Sur - Azioni Musicali
04. Como El Viento - Mic Max
05. Novo - Omaya
06. Boheme - Melibea
07. Take Me To This Place - Camiel
08. Another Day - Cold Valley
09. Sensuality - Roberto Sol
10. Bee - Lemongrass
11. Chillin - Glenn Maltman
12. Vertigo - DJ3
13. The Gift - Shiloh
14. Sex On The Beach - Alejandro De Pinedo
15. Gentle Rain - H. Garden

01. Calling Back - Leslie Round
02. The Meeting - Koru
03. I Hope Yesterday Never Comes - Steen Thottrup
04. Voluptuous Sunrise - Zednah
05. To Start Anew - Marc Puig
06. Nuevo Comenzo - New Beginning
07. Newex - Chrome. Vs. Reyne
08. Snowbird - The Light Of Aidan
09. Bailanduna - Prodoxo
10. Stop The World (Aquatint Mix) - Elcho
11. Memories Of The Seas (Cafe Del Mar Mix) - Arnica Montana
12. Morphing Morning - Joke Society
13. Breeze - Deeper & Pacific
14. Lienzo - Oleomusic

Caf? del Mar Dreaming Of...

發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Troya [7:07]
02. Behind The Door [7:22]
03. World's Voices [7:02]
04. Essential Feelings [6:25]
05. Da Chill House [5:17]
06. Why [8:51]
07. Afrique [5:00]
08. They'll Come [7:30]
09. Ride The Storm [6:58]
10. Mandrugada [5:58]
11. Dreaming Of... [5:59]


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Back In The Days - The Defloristics
02. Magic Touch - John Dahlback
03. Rise & Fall - Steven Garcia
04. Spring Dom - BRS
05. Release - Filur
06. Losing Control - Numaro
07. Sean [Erics 2wfu Dub] - Aya
08. Faces And Places - Wei Chi
09. 10 Jay Street [610 Dub] - Downtown Brooklyn Inc.
10. Its Music [Nightshift Meets Nujazsoul Mix] - Inverse Cinematics
11. Looking Across The River [Physics Electro Light District Mix] - Lockhart

01. Antares Pt 1 - Martinez
02. Slave To The Poison [Island Groove Remix] - Eminence feat. Syreeta Neal
03. Fell It [Diesel Desmet And Mats Gimme Some Remix] - Ross Couch
04. Take It - YOYO
05. Trust Me [Broadway And Wilson Mix] - JT Donaldson
06. Electric Blues - Bruno From Ibiza+Gutbrod
07. Fire (Native New Yorkers Sweet And Deep Dub) - Soul Khula Feat. Miss
08. Waiting For Your Love [Francois K Dub] - Onda
09. Didnt Mean To Turn You On [Chuck Love Remix] - Colette
10. Time For Peace [Joan Ribas Musical Mix] - Milesart Orchestra
11. Stockholm-Go Bang! [Club Mix] - Jerome Sydenham And Mikael Nordgren


發行公司:Cafe Del Mar


01. Words Inside a Cafe
02. Sao Paulo
03. Connection
04. Spirit of Florecita
05. Million Euro Weekend
06. Blues
07. Interview
08. Initialized
09. Porto Alegre
10. Holidays
11. Have a Smoke
  • 超值精選 1994年 -2010年 德瑪咖啡屋系列 Cafe del Mar Music Collection 站長完整超強合輯(35片合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD9版)(1DVD5+1DVD9)
  • 西洋音樂 德瑪咖啡屋系列全集 Cafe del Mar 1980-2016年 320K高音質版 20張專輯完整收集版(DVD9版)
  • 優質精選 2006年 VA - Cafe del Mar World Songs 站長完整超強合輯(105首合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)
  • 西洋音樂 德瑪咖啡屋 Cafe Del Mar 1980年-2007年 完整合輯(32張CD合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)
  • 超值精選 VA - Cool Emotions Collection (2012年) 沙發音樂 站長完整超強合輯(75首合成一片MP3)(音樂MP3)
  • 海洋咖啡屋系列 Cafe del Mar 系列之1 APE超強完整合輯(20片CD合成一片DVD-APE)(DVD9版)
  • 超值精選 VA - Chill Out - Collection (2003年-2005年) 沙發音樂 站長完整超強合輯(150首合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)

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